High-end Crystalline
Solar PV Panels

6W-30W Solar Street Lighting Solutions
for Different Area Needs

50,000 Hours Lamp Life

Solar-Powered LED Lights with Auto Turn On & Off Sensors

High-end Crystalline
Solar PV Panels

6W-30W Solar Street Lighting Solutions
for Different Area Needs

50,000 Hours Lamp Life

Solar-Powered LED Lights with Auto Turn On & Off Sensors

Solar Street Lighting Solutions

As a tropical country, India can become a solar powerhouse if every street light uses electricity generated by the sun to illuminate the streets at night. Therefore, Infinit Energy offers solar lighting solutions for streets, townships, gardens, malls, parking areas, commercial buildings, roads, etc. We have designed our solar-powered LED lighting systems to fulfill the most stringent space and energy requirements. We can convert the solar panel component of the system into a vehicle parking shed to enhance area use. The system has automatic on-off sensors and a 50,000-hour lifespan, ensuring that the lights are only illuminating at night and have a long service life.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

  • Smart Design and Functionality
  • Future Ready Compatible Technology
  • Better Performance and Efficiency
  • Easy and Quick Installation
  • Long Service Life
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Need a Solar Lighting Solution for Public areas, Streets or Parking lots?

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